Welcome to What's New Beta! What's new at your library? You can use our What's New feature to find the most recent and upcoming items at BCCLS libraries. Use the links on the left side to get started, or keep reading to learn more!

We are continuing to work on the What's New feature, so stay tuned for improvements!

New Titles

Select a category from the "New Titles" box on the left to view a list of new items that just hit the shelves within the last month. You can view a system-wide list of new acquisitions or you can see what titles a specific library has recently added.

Choose a category from the "New Titles" box on the left to see what's new at:

On-Order Items (System-Wide)

This list shows twenty titles that will be hitting BCCLS shelves in the coming months. Click on a title to see more information or to place a request.

This list shows upcoming titles system-wide. Click on a title and check its availability to see if your library has purchased a copy yet. If you would like to suggest that your library purchase a title, you can do so by using the BCCLS Suggestion Box.

Click here to suggest a title!